Time Management –

Whenever we overcommit we increase our increase level of stress and the potential problems related to the quality or our work, quantity we can deliver and deadlines we can meet..

Seven reasons you may overcommit include:

  • Wanting to impress people
  • Feeling obligated
  • Under estimating the time required to complete a tack
  • Over-estimating the time you can devote
  • Preferring to start projects more than finish them
  • Having difficulty saying no
  • Earning money/commission based on your productivity


Our time management skills training workshop provides the time management skills essential zero in on areas that will provide the greatest return.  Participants develop the methods to step out of the states of overwhelm, frustration, disorder, anxiety and lack of control into the state of mastery and satisfaction.

Find out how our Toronto based time management skills training and other communications skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.