


Part of professionalism is communicating both unemotionally and with a problem-solving focus.

Six ideas to add to your professional strengths include:

  1. Without fail, meet every commitment you make.
  2. Focus on facts; never on judgements
  3. Accept feedback graciously –ask for facts; ignore judgements.
  4. Treat feedback as a learning opportunity.
  5. Skip sarcasm – it’s dirty fighting.
  6. Remember that defensiveness can be an automatic mechanism.

Our Toronto based Communication skills training workshop provides the communication skills for performing positively and clearly to enhance your career and personal success.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based communication skills training and other management skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2020-06-10T16:15:56-04:00June 22nd, 2020|Tips of the week|0 Comments

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