
Communication Skills

Communication Skills-  

Make a favourable first impression in just 90 seconds!

Five ideas to increase your communication success with a first impression include:

  1. Dress as formally and as well as whoever your trying to impress. This is considered respect.  This
  2. Err on the side of being more dressed up; It’s always easier to dress down if you need to.
  3. Solicit feedback from people you trust on the strength of your handshake
  4. Punctuality counts.
  5. Start with a smile; then let your sincere personality eliminate any initial resistance.

Our Toronto based Communication skills training workshop provides the communication skills for performing positively and clearly to enhance your career and personal success.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based communication skills training and other management skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2017-04-19T11:44:05-04:00April 27th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Communication Skills

Communication Skills – Handling Complaints

Communication Skills – Handling Complaints-

Complaint are inevitable! Those who complain are providing an opportunity so respect and thank them.

Five ideas to increase success include:

  1. Listen.  Give everyone an opportunity to be heard. Sometimes that’s all they want.
  2. Put yourself in their shoes. Empathy is a powerful skill.
  3. Always offer an apologize, not admitting guilt; sometimes regretting their inconvenience.
  4. Only one apology is needed.
  5. Never apologize for rules or policies.

Our Toronto based Customer Service skills training workshop provides the skills to create winning interactions with your most valuable resource.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based customer skills training and other communication skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2017-04-05T12:34:19-04:00April 24th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Communication Skills – Handling Complaints

Business Writing

Business Writing-


Your goal when writing need to be achieving clarity, brevity and results.

  1. Focusing on the reader.  Replace some of your “I’s and we’s“ with “you”
  2. Remain positive describing what you can do.
  3. Increase understanding by using bullets and numbers.

Our Toronto based business writing skills workshop provides strategies and techniques to sharpen your business writing skills.

Contact us today to find out how our business writing skills training and other communications skills courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism. Our public workshops take place in Toronto.

2017-04-05T12:32:29-04:00April 20th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Business Writing

Training For The Trainer

Training For The Trainer –

Training Adults in the classroom or on the job in a one-on-one trainer situation requires expertise. Adult trainees need to accept as well as apply new strategies and techniques.

Three ideas to increase success with training include:

  1. Posing effective questions work wonders to engage your learners.
  2. Adults like to have fun while learning. Integrate activities to generate laughter.
  3. Adults don’t argue with the data they uncover. Create opportunities for discovery.

Our Toronto based  train the trainer training workshop provides the training facilitation skills essential to getting your ideas, plans and feelings across with confidence and conviction.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based training for the trainer skills training and other leadership skills courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2017-04-17T17:38:27-04:00April 18th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Training For The Trainer

Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills-

Get the results you’re looking for!

Four ideas to increase success include:

  1. By slowing your breathing your whole body relaxes.
  2. Focus on your message not on yourself
  3. Consider what they may resist and plan to overcome their objections.
  4. The larger your audience, the more dramatic your delivery needs to be with respect to your volume, your inflection, your gestures and your movement.

Our presentation skills training seminar provides strategies and techniques to ensure that your message achieves results and influence others. Workshops can be delivered at your location or in our location in Toronto.

Contact us today to find out how our presentation skills courses workshops and other communications skills training courses can help you build your professionalism.



2017-04-05T12:28:30-04:00April 17th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Presentation Skills

Business Writing

Business Writing-

Move from mess to message! Clarify your message and transfer understanding with less effort!

Three ideas to increase success include:

  1. Always start by clarifying your purpose. What do you want to acheive? What action do you want your reader to take?
  2. Use your first sentence to tate your purpose.
  3. Replace business clichés with conversational words.

     Replace:                          With:

  • along the lines of             like
  • at which time                    when
  • for the purpose of            for
  • for the reason that            since, because
  • in order to, in order that    to, so
  • in regard to                      about
  • in the event of                  if
  • in the near future              soon,  shortly


Our Toronto based business writing skills workshop provides strategies and techniques to sharpen your business writing skills.

Contact us today to find out how our business writing skills training and other communications skills courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism. Our public workshops take place in Toronto.

2017-04-05T12:26:29-04:00April 13th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Business Writing

Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills-

There is no better skill to demonstrate leadership than presentation skills. Being perceived as dynamic and confident always earns respect.

Whether your need is to motivate, to inform, to influence or to defend, the way you present yourself and your ideas is key to your success.

Three ideas to increase success include:

  1. Pay attention to the way you look! Posture, clothing, facial expression and gestures. 55% of your message comes from what they see.
  2. Vary the speed of your delivery as well as the inflection and the volume. 38% of you message comes from your voice.
  3. The best presenters want to be perceived as enthusiastic; confident; believable; knowledgeable and approachable.

Our presentation skills training seminar provides strategies and techniques to ensure that your message achieves results and influence others. Workshops can be delivered at your location or in our location in Toronto.

Contact us today to find out how our presentation skills courses workshops and other communications skills training courses can help you build your professionalism.

2017-03-29T12:26:59-04:00April 10th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Presentation Skills

Assertiveness Skills

Assertiveness Skills-


Being able to communicate opinions, thoughts, beliefs and emotions in a way that is perceived as effective and confident is assertive. The opposite of assertive is passive or aggressive.

Three ideas to increase success include:

    1. Remember to be gracious when you say no by always providing an alternative.
    2. Disagree diplomatically by paraphrasing first, to demonstrate your understanding of the other person’s position. Then, acknowledge the value of the other person’s recommendation. Finally, present your own recommendation
    3. Work with the other person to a resolve conflict when an the conflict is important to you. The key to working together is to ask questions i.e.: What do you need? How can we resolve this situation? What would it take to fix this?

Our Toronto based assertiveness skills training workshop provides the assertiveness skills essential to getting your ideas, plans and feelings across with confidence and conviction.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based assertiveness skills training and other communications skills courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism

2017-03-29T12:25:25-04:00April 6th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Assertiveness Skills

Training For The Trainer

Training For The Trainer –

Training Adults in the classroom or on the job in a one-on-one trainer situation requires expertise. Adult trainees need to accept as well as apply new strategies and techniques.

Three ideas to increase success with training include:

  1. Uncover what trainees already know to bridge the new learning.
  2. Introduce new skills with a demonstration and many examples of application.
  3. Allow for practice opportunities until the new skill has been demonstrated.

Our Toronto based  train the trainer training workshop provides the training facilitation skills essential to getting your ideas, plans and feelings across with confidence and conviction.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based training for the trainer skills training and other leadership skills courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2017-03-27T17:45:43-04:00April 4th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Training For The Trainer

Time Management

Time Management-

When you procrastinate, it usually requires more effort to complete the same task later.

Three ideas to increase success in overcoming procrastination include:

  1. Get over perfection paralysis… unless you are a brain surgeon 90% right is better than 100% of nothing.  Having all the information before taking action takes too long or isn’t even possible.  Really on your self-esteem and your intuition.
  2. Self-discipline may be a dirty word but committing to someone else really works!  You’ll work harder at not disappointing others than disappointing yourself.  “Announce your plans/goals” or if you’re really committed to succeeding, sign an agreement to pay a sum of money to the other person if you don’t complete the task or behaviour.
  3. Use the 21 day success habit check list.  Post a calendar and give yourself a check each day you complete a task or behaviour. Coloured marders seem to help! After 21 days it’ll become habit.

Our Toronto based time management skills training workshop provides the time management skills essential zero in on the areas that will provide the greatest return.  Participants develop the methods to step out of the states of overwhelm, frustration, disorder, anxiety and lack of control into the state of mastery and satisfaction.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based time management skills course and other communications skills and leadership training programs and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2017-03-29T12:23:27-04:00April 3rd, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Time Management