
Communication Skills – Listening

Communication Skills – Listening –

Listening needs to be a singular act. We are so used to multitasking and have increased our activity levels so dramatically. Listening has become the most under used communications skill.  We need to re-learn the art of effective listening.

Nine ideas to increase success with listening include:

  1. Clear your thoughts.
  2. See each interaction as an opportunity – you can never learn less.
  3. Work at listening for ideas.
  4. Take responsibility for listening.  If a speaker is boring or repetitive take notes to say focused.
  5. Confirm and clarify when appropriate
  6. Maintain eye contact.
  7. Maintain positive facial expression & posture.
  8. Provide non-verbal signals like nodding to demonstrate interest.

Our Toronto based communication skills training workshop provides the communication skills for performing positively and clearly to enhance your career and personal success.

Build your professionalism with our communication skills training and other management and leadership courses and workshops and seminars.

2017-05-17T12:43:21-04:00June 1st, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Communication Skills – Listening

Project Management Skills

Project Management Skills –

Applying knowledge, skills and techniques to execute projects effectively is what project management is all about.

Two ideas to increase success with projects include:

  1. Develop a plan before you consider implementing any actions. The purpose of the plan is to:
    • Clarify responsibilities, and roles of the team members
    • Specify how the project will be managed with respect to time, cost and performance
    • Summarize the resources needed (human, electronic, external, physical)
  1. Use the following tools to manage your projects:
    • Project team cooperation checklist
    • Planning and organizing checklist
    • Responsibility assignment matrix
    • Gnatt charts
    • Critical Path Mapping
    • Contingency planning charts
    • Follow up evaluation questions

Our project management skills training workshop provides the project management skills for effective project planning and control.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based project management skills training and other management courses and communication skills and leadership skills workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2017-05-10T12:47:42-04:00May 29th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Project Management Skills

Leadership – Increasing Team Cooperation

Leadership – Increasing Team Cooperation –

Build your organization by using effective teams.  Creating team spirit, encouraging a cooperative climate and channeling effort are essential to increasing productivity and obtaining success.

Three ideas to increase success with team cooperation include:

  1. Recognize the problems facing team members in order to aid them in making their maximum contribution. Discuss these issues openly in team meetings.
  2. Watch for how team members treat each other.  Respect is the foundation for effective communication.
  3.  Apply problem solving models to help the team deal with issues and concerns.

Our Toronto based Leadership skills training workshop provides the skills for performing positively and clearly to enhance your career and personal success.

Contact us to build your professionalism! Find out how our Toronto based leadership skills training program and other management skills and communication courses and workshops can help.

2017-05-10T12:44:32-04:00May 25th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Leadership – Increasing Team Cooperation

Project Management Skills

Project Management Skills –

Using a systematic approach is key to achieving goals with respect to project schedules and budgets.

Two ideas to increase success with projects include knowing that:

  1. Each project needs a project sponsor. Do not begin until there is someone who is responsible for:
    • Approving the team and defining the responsibilities
    • Providing information and resources
    • Clarifying critical issues
    • Acting as key communication link between departments
  1. Each project needs a clear statement of the expected outcomes, the approach, the timelines and the budget.  Do not commence any activities related to completing a project until the initial planning process has provided a statement that has the sponsor’s approval.

Our project management skills training workshop provides the project management skills for effective project planning and control.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based project management skills training and other management courses and communication skills and leadership skills workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2017-05-03T12:14:16-04:00May 22nd, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Project Management Skills

Leadership – Increasing Team Cooperation

Leadership – Increasing Team Cooperation –

Productivity and success are built with effective teams! Instill team spirit; create a cooperative climate; channel group effort to ensure a winning organization.

Three ideas to increase success with team cooperation include:

  1. Make sure that team members understand the total problem.
  2. Make sure that team members understand how they can contribute toward solving the problem.
  3. Make sure that team members are aware of the potential contributions of the other project team members.

Our Toronto based Leadership skills training workshop provides the skills for performing positively and clearly to enhance your career and personal success.

Contact us today to find out how our leadership skills training and other management skills and communication courses workshops and seminars can help you build your professionalism.

2017-05-03T12:07:14-04:00May 18th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Leadership – Increasing Team Cooperation

Negotiating Skills

Negotiating Skills –

Much of what you do is the result of negotiation.

Four ideas to increase negotiating success include:

  1. Know “when to fold ‘em” i.e. when to walk away… set specific limits. It’s OK to say, “That’s more than I‘m prepared to do.” or “That’s more than I‘m prepared to spend.”
  2. Use silence as a technique to gain more information and more power.  The other person will fill the silence with information that will be potentially useful to you.
  3. Think of compromise …the 50/50 split, as your secondary strategy.  A collaborative effort where you both uncover common ground and mutual benefits is the best approach and will produce a better outcome for both of you.
  4. Ask questions like:
  • What will it take to close this deal?
  • What will it take to resolve this conflict?
  • What will it take to earn your trust?
  • What will it take to satisfy you?
  • What will it take to fix this?


Our Toronto based Negotiating skills training workshop takes the mystery out of negotiating. Focus on understanding five negotiating strategies and counter strategies and developing techniques to handle negotiations.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based Negotiating skills training and other management skills and leadership seminars, courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2017-04-26T12:57:33-04:00May 15th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Negotiating Skills

Leadership Skills – Providing Feedback

Leadership Skills – Providing Feedback –

By providing helpful feedback, you can accomplish five important goals:

  1. Provide recognition
  2. Provide support
  3. Increase morale
  4. Boost motivation
  5. Fix performance problems

Feedback let’s people know, how they’re doing.   It doesn’t require any complicated forms; it simply shows that you’re there to help.

Our Toronto based Leadership skills training workshop provides the skills for performing positively and clearly to enhance your career and personal success.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based leadership skills training and other management skills and communication courses, seminars and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2017-04-26T12:55:52-04:00May 11th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Leadership Skills – Providing Feedback

Communication Skills

Communication Skills- 

First impressions are made in less than two minutes. Opinions whether accurate of not are formed about you based on your clothing, facial expression, appearance, body language and manners.

Six ideas to increase your first impression communication success include:

  1. Make eye contact for 2 to 3 seconds.
  2. Focus on their face until you’ve determined the colour of their eyes.
  3. Use their name.
  4. Keep your sentences short.
  5. Speak no more than 3 sentences at a time.
  6. Elaborate only if they ask for more detail.

Our Toronto based Communication skills training workshop provides the communication skills for performing positively and clearly to enhance your career and personal success.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based communication skills training and other management skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2017-04-19T12:09:23-04:00May 8th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Communication Skills

Customer Service – Handling Complaints

Customer Service – Handling Complaints-

Look to complaints to provide helpful feedback and an opportunity to improve.  Appreciate customers who take time to bring concerns to your attention.

Four ideas to increase customer service success include:

  1. Never try to justify past actions or to blame anyone, within or outside of your organization.
  2. Ask the right questions to get all the facts.
  3. Never make assumptions.
  4. Agree on a course of action with the customer.

Our Toronto based Customer Service skills training workshop provides the skills to create winning interactions with your most valuable resource.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based customer skills training and other management skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2017-04-19T12:05:40-04:00May 4th, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Customer Service – Handling Complaints

Negotiating Skills

Negotiating Skills-

You can negotiate anything

Four ideas to increase negotiating success include:

  1. Determine your main goal?  Clarify what’s important and what’s somewhat important.
  2. Uncover the other person’s objective.  Think of questions to help determine their goals.
  3. Never assume….always clarify and confirm.
  4. Look mutual benefits to motivate the other person to see the value of your position.

Our Toronto based Negotiating skills training workshop takes the mystery out of negotiating. Focus on understanding five negotiating strategies and counter strategies and developing techniques to handle negotiations.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based Negotiating skills training and other management skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2017-04-19T12:03:49-04:00May 1st, 2017|Tips of the week|Comments Off on Negotiating Skills