
Negotiating Skills

Negotiating Skills

You can negotiate everything!

Six ideas to increase negotiating success include:

  1. Identify what’s important and what’s not.
  2. Determine the other person’s goal.
  3. Develop questions to help the other person clarify their goals.
  4. Make no assumptions.
  5. Ask questions to demonstrate and to confirm your understanding.
  6. Look for shared benefits to assist the other person to value your position.

Our Toronto based Negotiating skills training workshop takes the mystery out of negotiating.  Focus on understanding five negotiating strategies and counter strategies and developing techniques to handle negotiations.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based Negotiating skills training and other management skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2020-10-21T12:58:50-04:00November 2nd, 2020|Tips of the week|0 Comments

Communication Skills

In 90 seconds you can lasting a memorable impression! 

Seven ideas to increase your communication success with a first impression include:

  1. Dress the same way they do in terms of formality.
  2. If you’re not sure how they dress, dress up; It’s easier to dress down.
  3. Punctuality is important.
  4. Smile like you care.
  5. Sound like you care
  6. Let your confidence shine.

Our Toronto based Communication skills training workshop provides the communication skills for performing positively and clearly to enhance your career and personal success.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based communication skills training and other management skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2020-10-14T14:44:12-04:00October 29th, 2020|Tips of the week|0 Comments

Communication Skills – Handling Complaints

Appreciate people who complain.  They are taking their valuable time.  Always respect them and always thank them.

Six ideas to increase success include:

  1. Give people an opportunity to vent.
  2. Recognize that sometimes the opportunity to be heard is all they want.
  3. Empathize! Walk in their shoes.
  4. Apologize! Not as an admission of guilt; simply as a regret for their inconvenience.
  5. Apologize only once..
  6. Don’t apologize for organizations rules or policies.

Our Toronto based Customer Service skills training workshop provides the skills to create winning interactions with your most valuable resource.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based customer skills training and other communication skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2020-10-14T14:39:36-04:00October 26th, 2020|Tips of the week|0 Comments

Business Writing

Effective business writing requires you to be clear, brief and impactful.

Four ideas to increase your business writing effectiveness include:

  1. Instead of “I’s andwe’s“ use “you”
  2. Outline what you can do; not what you can’t do.
  3. Use numbers to sequence actions.
  4. Use bullets when there is a list of items not in a particular order.


Our Toronto based business writing skills workshop provides strategies and techniques to sharpen your business writing skills.

Contact us today to find out how our business writing skills training and other communications skills courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.  Our public workshops take place in Toronto.

2020-10-14T14:37:30-04:00October 22nd, 2020|Tips of the week|0 Comments

Business Writing

Writing to be understood should be the goal.

Six ideas to increase success include:

  1. Clarify why you are writing.
  2. Clarify what do you hope to accomplish.
  3. Specify what action you want the reader to take.
  4. Write a first sentence that states your purpose in writing.
  5. Write exactly the same way as you speak.
  6. Get rid clichés like “further to our discussion”.

Our Toronto based business writing skills workshop provides strategies and techniques to sharpen your business writing skills.

Contact us today to find out how our business writing skills training and other communications skills courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.  Our public workshops take place in Toronto.

2020-10-14T14:35:43-04:00October 19th, 2020|Tips of the week|0 Comments

Presentation Skills

Presenting to have and impact and get results your goal.

Six ideas to increase success include:

  1. View a presentation as an extended conversation..
  2. Focus on your message not your appearance.
  3. Know your story, your purpose your goal.
  4. Anticipate any objections; be ready with your response
  5. Practice a varied inflection,
  6. Plan your gestures.

Our presentation skills training seminar provides strategies and techniques to ensure that your message achieves results and influence others.  Workshops can be delivered at your location or in our location in Toronto.

Contact us today to find out how our presentation skills courses workshops and other communications skills training courses can help you build your professionalism.

2020-10-08T18:38:26-04:00October 15th, 2020|Tips of the week|0 Comments

Presentation Skills

To earn respect, it helps to be seen as confident.  Effective presentation skills enhance your leadership and management success.

Whether you need to motivate, to inform, to influence or to defend, the way you present yourself and your ideas is instrumental to getting the results you want..

Three ideas to increase success include:

  1. Consider how you look! Posture, clothing, facial expression and gestures are responsible for 55% of your message.
  2. Speed, inflection, pauses, and volume are responsible for 38% of your message.
  3. Aim to be perceived as enthusiastic; confident; believable; knowledgeable and approachable.

Our presentation skills training seminar provides strategies and techniques to ensure that your message achieves results and influence others.  Workshops can be delivered at your location or in our location in Toronto.

Contact us today to find out how our presentation skills courses workshops and other communications skills training courses can help you build your professionalism.

2020-10-02T15:18:05-04:00October 12th, 2020|Tips of the week|0 Comments

Assertiveness Skills

Assertive behaviour means communicating your opinions and feelings unemotionally with un-offensive language.

Four ideas to increase success include:

  1. Be kind when saying no by always offering an option or alternative.
  2. Before you disagree, demonstrate your understanding of the other person’s position.
  3. Show that you value of the other person’s opinion before providing your opinion.
  4. Collaborate with the other person by asking questions like: How can we resolve this situation? What would it take to fix this?

Our Toronto based assertiveness skills training workshop provides the assertiveness skills essential to getting your ideas, plans and feelings across with confidence and conviction.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based assertiveness skills training and other communications skills courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism

2020-10-02T15:11:32-04:00October 8th, 2020|Tips of the week|0 Comments

Time Management

Procrastination never serves you well!

Eight ideas to increase success in overcoming procrastination include:

  1. Stop trying to be perfect!
  2. Build your confidence by making predictions,
  3. Grow your intuition.
  4. You don’t need all the information; just get started.
  5. Increase discipline by committing to someone.
  6. Announce your commitments to someone.
  7. Agree to pay money to someone if you don’t complete a commitment.
  8. Give yourself a check each day you complete a task for 21 to make it a habit.

Our Toronto based time management skills training workshop provides the time management skills essential zero in on the areas that will provide the greatest return.  Participants develop the methods to step out of the states of overwhelm, frustration, disorder, anxiety and lack of control into the state of mastery and satisfaction.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based time management skills course and other communications skills and leadership training programs and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2020-10-02T15:04:22-04:00October 5th, 2020|Tips of the week|0 Comments

Assertiveness Skills

Being able to say what you need to say without being offensive is an art that needs to be learned.  It is not a natural skill that grows without education.

Three ideas to increase success include:

  1. Your goal is to be realistic, responsible and respectful.
  2. Build your self-esteem and confidence by reminding yourself “what’s good about you”.
  3. When asserting yourself start sentences with “I” followed by “expected” or “prefer” or “need”,

Our Toronto based assertiveness skills training workshop provides the assertiveness skills essential to getting your ideas, plans and feelings across with confidence and conviction.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based assertiveness skills training and other communications skills courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism

2020-10-02T14:57:18-04:00October 2nd, 2020|Tips of the week|0 Comments