
Negotiating Skills

If something is important to you negotiate!

Seven ideas to increase negotiating success include:

  1. Know when to walk away.
  2. Use silence to gain information
  3. Know that information is power.
  4. Use compromise is a fallback strategy.
  5. To collaborate invest time in discovery and discussion.
  6. Ask questions like:
    • What will it take to make this happen?
    • What will it take to fix this situation?
    • What will it take to earn your trust?
    • What will it take to make you happy?
    • What will it take to fix this?
  7. Communicate common goals and mutual benefits

Our Toronto based Negotiating skills training workshop takes the mystery out of negotiating.  Focus on understanding five negotiating strategies and counter strategies and developing techniques to handle negotiations.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based Negotiating skills training and other management skills and leadership seminars, courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2022-01-28T14:32:31-05:00February 7th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Communication Skills –

Communication Skills –

Practice two-way discussions to avoid misunderstandings.

Five ideas to increase your success include:

  1. Use open questions to gather a lot of information, i.e. start with ”how” or “tell me”.   When you gain information you actually gain power.
  2. 93% of your message comes from the way you sound, look and behave.
  3. Perception can be a barrier to effective communication.
  4. Become aware of your own biases and prejudices.
  5. Make real effort to understand the real message whenever your perception barriers may be competing.

Our Toronto based Communication skills training workshop provides the communication skills for performing positively and clearly to enhance your career and personal success.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based communication skills training and other management skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism

2019-07-03T16:38:58-04:00July 3rd, 2019|Tips of the week, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence –

Difficult people are sometimes negative.

Eleven ideas to increase success with Dealing With Difficult People include:

  1. Set limits; maintain physical and emotional distance.
  2. Focus on solving problems not blaiming.
  3. Learning from every experience.
  4. Avoid being negative in return.
  5. Release the negative interaction quickly.
  6. Focus what makes you happy.
  7. Make your happiness come from within; not from the opinion of others.
  8. Get into excellent physical and mental condition to handle challenges (rest, nutrition, strength)
  9. Surround yourself with positive people and experiences
  10. Focus on facts.
  11. Forgive

Our Toronto based Dealing with Difficult People skills training workshop and our Developing Emotional Intelligence skills training workshop provide the skills to master challenging situations.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based professional development skills training and other communications skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2018-03-28T12:56:10-04:00April 9th, 2018|Tips of the week, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Communication Skills

Communication Skills –

Work at being respectful!

Four ideas to add to your communication strengths include:

  1. Follow up promptly
  2. Deal with facts not opinions or judgements.
  3. Receive well intended feedback graciously.
  4. Speak without emotion or sarcasm or defensiveness.

Our Toronto based Communication skills training workshop provides the communication skills for performing positively and clearly to enhance your career and personal success.

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based communication skills training and other management skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2018-01-17T12:23:00-05:00February 1st, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Change Happens

Change Happens –

Change is always coming!

Three ideas to help you transition from the old reality to the new reality.

  1. Instead of seeing change as a negative; see it as an opportunity for improvement or positive challenge.
  2. Participate actively in providing input to making a change successful.
  3. Incorporate stress management techniques to help you cope successfully through a change.

Our Toronto based change happens skills training workshop provides the communication skills for performing positively and clearly to enhance your career and personal success. Other workshops of interest may include: change management

Contact us today to find out how our Toronto based communication skills training and other management skills and leadership courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.

2016-09-14T15:21:50-04:00September 15th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Change Happens

Business Writing Skills

Business Writing Skills –

Your reader will read your communication with their own (sometimes negative) overtone. It is particularly important to take as many steps as possible to project the best possible tone.

Four ideas to increase your success with an appropriate writing tone include:

  1. Focus on the reader by using the “You” instead of “I”. i.e.
    Instead of: We have a new program that we think is very interesting.
    Write: You’ll find our new program very interesting.
  2. Use the dynamic active approach VS passive approach.
    Instead of: Careful consideration will be given to your request.
    Write: We will give careful consideration to your request.
  3. Engage your reader by writing with more verbs and less nouns.
    Instead of: I have knowledge
    Write: I know
    Instead of: I have reservations
    Write: I doubt
    Instead of: May I make a suggestion
    Write: I suggest
  4. Take a positive approach.
    Instead of: We have written twice and to date you have not replied.
    Write: When can we expect your reply?

Our Toronto based business writing skills workshop provides strategies and techniques to sharpen your business writing skills.

Contact us today to find out how our business writing skills training and other communications skills courses and workshops can help you build your professionalism.  Our public workshops take place in Toronto.

2015-08-10T17:41:30-04:00September 17th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Business Writing Skills

Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills

Demonstrate your leadership ability; earn respect; get results

Three ideas to increase success include:

  1. Slow down your breathing so that your whole body becomes relaxed.
  2. Focus on your objectives and plan to overcome their objections.
  3. Remember, the larger the audience the more dramatic the presentation with respect to voice inflection, body movement and gestures.

Our presentation skills training seminar provides strategies and techniques to ensure that your message achieves results and influence others.  Workshops can be delivered at your location or in our location in Toronto.

Contact us today to find out how our presentation skills courses workshops and other communications skills training courses can help you build your professionalism.

2015-02-03T17:41:16-05:00February 23rd, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Presentation Skills

Tips of the Week – March 25th

Project Management Skills

Project management is a systematic approach essential to achieving goals with respect to schedules and budgets.

Four ideas to increase success with projects include:

1.   Every project needs a sponsor. Do not begin until there is someone who is responsible for:

  • Approving the team and defining the responsibilities
  • Providing information and resources
  • Clarifying critical issues
  • Acting as key communication link between departments


2.   Every project needs a clear statement of the expected outcomes, the approach, the timelines and the budget.  Do not commence any activities related to completing a project until the initial planning process has provided a statement that has the sponsor’s approval.


3.   Every project needs a plan. The purpose of the plan is to:

  • Outline responsibilities, and duties of the team members
  • State how the project will be managed in terms of the time cost and performance
  • Summarizes the resources required (human, electronic, external, physical)


4..  Projects can benefit from the application of the following tools:

  • Project team cooperation checklist
  • Planning and organizing checklist
  • Responsibility assignment matrix
  • Gnatt charts
  • Critical Path Mapping
  • Contingency planning charts
  • Follow up evaluation questions
2013-03-25T12:40:55-04:00March 25th, 2013|Tips of the week, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Tips of the Week – March 25th

Project Management Skills

Project management is a systematic approach essential to achieving goals with respect to schedules and budgets.

Four ideas to increase success with projects include:

1.   Every project needs a sponsor. Do not begin until there is someone who is responsible for:

  • Approving the team and defining the responsibilities
  • Providing information and resources
  • Clarifying critical issues
  • Acting as key communication link between departments


2.   Every project needs a clear statement of the expected outcomes, the approach, the timelines and the budget.  Do not commence any activities related to completing a project until the initial planning process has provided a statement that has the sponsor’s approval.

3.   Every project needs a plan. The purpose of the plan is to:

  • Outline responsibilities, and duties of the team members
  • State how the project will be managed in terms of the time cost and performance
  • Summarizes the resources required (human, electronic, external, physical)


4..  Projects can benefit from the application of the following tools:

  • Project team cooperation checklist
  • Planning and organizing checklist
  • Responsibility assignment matrix
  • Gnatt charts
  • Critical Path Mapping
  • Contingency planning charts
  • Follow up evaluation questions
2013-03-25T12:38:42-04:00March 25th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments